domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

For the first time...

I was not looking on how bad you did on me, just the good times. I looked back again, smiling since this tears reminded me that you were really mean. But I don't care...

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Estaré esperando...

Ansiosa, el momento en el que diga: 'Enough is enough'.

Mientras tanto, me siento tranquila a ver pasar los cadáveres de mi pasado desvaneciéndose uno a uno en el frío aire del poco invierno que le queda a esta ciudad. Me sentaré a sonreír mientras poco a poco el veneno de tu desdén me recorre completa. Todo veneno tiene cura.

Sonreiré, porque no tengo nada que perder.

domingo, 1 de enero de 2012

I said it.

I already did it.

However, I keep thinking about all those times you've may needed/wanted to know it time ago...I did not mean to leave you alone. I know you still feeling lonely, nevertheless you don't want me near, wich is completely understandable.

I cannot let this feeling go. I do not know how/when/why, it just happened, and I want you to know it, it doesn't matter if you reject it, it's ok since all I want is you to feel fine.

You have been doing everything how it has to be, maybe that is why I am crying now.

Sincerely, thankyou.

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

I feel like I am in a lighted room. Everything can be seen, everything it's just perfect, but me. I am not fitting in this totally good place.

Why do I have to screw it up...
Totally broken. Tears come and go without a notice.

...I'll just let this be.

domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2011

¿todo bien allá?

Nop. Realmente no. Te mentí.

Es por eso que parto desde aquí; para apuntar cosas nuevas, para apuntar cosas viejas. Para no olvidarlas y saber que puedo empezar avanzando.